
Notifications for Rainbow are here! Rainbow now has the ability to notify you of your wallet activity including: sends, receives, swaps, mints, approvals and more!

In this article, we’ll discuss how you can set those notifications and what exactly those will entail.


As we mentioned, notifications will provide the ability to notify you of your selected wallet activities. The notifications are “per-wallet” with those notifications being totally customizable to each wallet you own and/or watch.

Below, we’ll show how you can set those notifications or toggle them off 👇

How to set Notifications in Settings:

  1. Tap the 3 dots in the upper right hand corner.

  2. Head to the Settings Menu (within Rainbow).

  3. Click the Notifications section.

  4. You’ll be brought to the notifications menu where you can select the specific wallet you want to edit notifications for.

  5. Here is the notifications menu! At the top, you can toggle allowing notifications overall. If you choose to allow notifications, you can then customize those even further. Those customizations include:

    • Sent

    • Received

    • Purchased

    • Sold

    • Minted

    • Swapped

    • Approvals

    • Contracts & More

Once your set, you can click Done in the upper-right hand corner and your notifications will be set.

How to set Notifications in your wallet switcher:

  1. Tap on the arrow next to the name of the wallet that is currently open to make the Wallet Switcher appear.

  2. Click on Edit.

  3. Click on the 3 dots next to the wallet you’re looking to edit notifications on.

  4. Then select Notification Settings.

  5. Here is the notifications menu! At the top, you can toggle allowing notifications period. If you choose to allow notifications, you can then customize those even further. Those customizations include:

    • Sent

    • Received

    • Purchased

    • Sold

    • Minted

    • Swapped

    • Approvals

    • Contracts & More

Once your set, you can click Done in the upper-right hand corner and your notifications will be set:

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