Rainbow gives you greater context and control over the interactions with your wallet. This includes a detailed and extended view of your transactions. In this guide, we’ll outline what those details are and how to access them.
How to View your Expanded Transactions:
On your main wallet screen, you’ll tap the history icon at the bottom of your tabs.
You’ll be brought to your transactions screen where you can tap on any transaction to see its expanded state:
You’ll see the action taken and if the action was successful.
The date and timestamp of when this transaction took place.
The From and To addresses.
The value of the token and the included network fee.
Your transaction hash and a direct link to view on Etherscan.

Different Actions on Display:
As we shared in the steps above, with each transaction conducted, you’ll see the specific action taken and if that transaction was processed.
Whether you’re swapping tokens or received ETH, Rainbow will let you know what happened and give you greater insight into your wallet interactions.