Re-organize and switch between your Wallets:
You can easily switch and re-organize your wallets in the wallet switcher. By dragging the wallets, you can re-organize and reorder all of your wallets.
Hide/Unhide your Wallets:
Hiding and unhiding your wallets is also an option! To start, you'll click on the specific wallet you're looking to hide and tap the 3 dots next to the wallet name.
Then, you'll click "Hide wallet".

Next, you'll click hide to have the wallet hidden.

Once you hide and you're looking to unhide, you can easily re-access by first clicking the 3 dots in the upper right-hand corner and clicking Settings.

Then, you'll click Privacy & Security.

You'll then tap Wallets & Keys before selecting the wallet that you originally hid. Next, you'll click the arrow to access that wallet's specific settings.

Lastly, you'll then click on the 3 dots next to the wallet name and tap "Unhide Wallet" to have your wallet re-show on your wallets screen:

Re-naming is super simple! You'll click the 3 dots next to the wallet you're looking to re-name and click the rename wallet prompt.

From there, you can edit the wallet name and save!