If you’re seeing this error pop-up, it’s likely that there is a stuck/pending transaction that you’ve been able to uncover that’s requiring a replacement. In this guide, we’ll share what you need to do to replace this transaction to remove the error and move forward.
Using Custom Gas:
The easiest path forward is to locate the pending transaction and push the transaction forward. You can view your transaction history and right click on the stuck transaction, then select ‘speed up’ or ‘cancel’ to replace or cancel the transaction.
If the pending transaction is not shown in your transaction history, you can use custom gas settings to raise the gas price by 10-20%. This should work to send a replacement transaction!
If you are concerned about the price of the transaction, please connect with us at [email protected] before sending the transaction so we can help!
Using MetaMask’s Activity Tool:
You can also use MetaMask’s tool to view and replace transactions. That tool is accessed at: https://activity.metamask.io/
They also have a helpful guide available at: https://support.metamask.io/metamask-activity/
Still running into issues?
Connect with us at [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help!