The ability to hide your NFTs in Rainbow is finally here! Whether it was a lame airdrop, or an NFT project you’re tired of, the NFTs you choose to hide will no longer appear on your Profile in the wallet or on
Follow the instructions below to hide or unhide those pesky NFTs directly from your wallet in Rainbow.
Instruction to hide:
On your main screen, tap the collection that holds the NFT you’re looking to hide.
Next, you’ll want to tap the NFT itself.
Click the 3 dots next to the NFT name and Click Hide.

Instructions to unhide:
On your main screen, tap the collection that holds the NFT you’re looking to unhide.
Head to the NFT you’re looking to unhide under the Hidden tab towards the bottom. Then, click on it to open the NFT viewer.
Click the 3 dots next to the NFT name and Click Unhide.