Aug 5, 2024

Open in Rainbow, recent swaps, and more swap love



New features

New Features

Open links in Rainbow from other apps

You can click share → “Open in Rainbow” (or tap the app icon) to open the link you’re on in the Rainbow in-app browser!

Tap to max your swap

You can now use your total balance on a swap by tapping the number badge below your assets name!

Hold to swap

To make a swap in Rainbow now, you’ll hold the swap button to confirm.

Recent swaps added!

They include the last three tokens you swapped (per chain) and appear when making a swap.

Copy and paste swap amounts!

You can now copy your swap amounts or paste a different amount in.

Release notes

  • Fixed a bug where some bridges couldn’t be made due to gas.

  • Fixed bugs where flipping between two assets in the swap flow could cause an issue.

  • Fixed favorites so they always show up in swaps, no more disappearing!

  • Dramatically improved the performance of Rainbow’s in-app browser on Android devices.