Sep 12, 2024
Degen Mode Swaps and Farcaster integration!
New features
New Features
Degen Mode
The fastest Swap experience we've ever created in Rainbow, made for all our degens out there who want to ape ASAP! You can toggle it on in Rainbow Swap settings (top right on the swaps screen) today.

Warpcast Mobile Integration
You can now select Rainbow as your preferred wallet in Warpcast, meaning that any transaction you want to do (from a Frame, a Cast Action, or something else in-app) in Warpcast will now go through Rainbow!

Release notes
Fixed the really annoying bug with Warpcast/MWP integration that caused Rainbow to trigger the alert about "phone swapping" when users hadn't swapped phones!
We also made some QoL fixes and shortened the popular tokens list from 6 to 3, plus you now have the ability to hide the collectibles section.
Misc bug fixes:
Fixed an issue on ERC20 sends that would show contract address instead of recipient address
Fixed an issue where Polygon chainID was misconfigured causing some issues with users sends
Fixed a bug where a user’s favorites wouldn’t migrate after updating app
Fixed a bug where the terminal UI for ETH rewards was missing
Fixed an issue on android where a user couldn’t access dexscreener in the dapp browser
Fixed a bug where attempting to send an ENS caused a crash
Fixed an issue when certain sites won’t load if using the http prefix
Fixed a bug where Wallet Connect was not confirming transactions