Switch from MetaMask

At Rainbow, we don’t control your assets—you do, and this is true of any self-custodial Ethereum wallet.

You’re free to take your seed phrase and try out as many different types of wallets as you’d like, bringing along with you all of your crypto, NFTs, transaction history and data. The Ethereum ecosystem plays nicely together—or to put it more eloquently, it is interoperable. Just because you started with one wallet doesn’t mean you have to use it forever.

It takes less than a minute to import your MetaMask into Rainbow and start enjoying a better wallet experience with Rainbow.

Here’s how:

Make sure you have Rainbow downloaded and ready to go!

You can download Rainbow for both iOS and Android phones.

✨➡️ Click here to go to the App Store and download Rainbow! ⬅️ ✨

Get your seed phrase from MetaMask

We’ll teach you how to find your seed phrase on both MetaMask mobile and on the browser extension.

How to find your seed phrase on MetaMask mobile and MetaMask Browser Extension

Since MetaMask's instructions fluctuate, you can use their guide here to find and copy your MetaMask secret phrase: https://support.metamask.io/hc/en-us/articles/360015290032-How-to-reveal-your-Secret-Recovery-Phrase

Add your MetaMask seed phrase to Rainbow!

Open Rainbow, and choose “I already have a wallet”, and you’ll be prompted to enter your seed phrase. If you already have Rainbow to manage different wallet addresses outside of the one you’re looking to import, you can learn how to add your MetaMask wallet here.

Paste or type your seed phrase into Rainbow from MetaMask, and you’re good to go!

Can't find what you're looking for? Send us a message, tweet at us @rainbowdotme, or email [email protected] for further assistance.